Page 23 - AAA Northway – AAA Now! – Fall 2019
P. 23
Member’s guide to
Emergency Road Service
If keys are locked inside the vehicle, service will be sent to gain entrance. If the key that operates or provides access to the passenger compartment of the vehicle is lost, broken, or the service provider cannot gain entry, the Club shall pro- vide locksmith service up to $50. If necessary, the Club will provide tow service. Once the vehicle is at the repair facility, the member is responsible for the cost of parts and labor. AAA Plus and Plus RV benefits include up to $100 in parts and labor for lock and key service to make vehicle operable.
Will be provided when needed, but it will not include snow removal or service when vehicle is located in a place where snow and ice have not been sufficiently removed, includ- ing seasonal roadways and parking areas, to allow prompt access. The vehicle will be extricated/winched when it can be safely reached from a normally traveled road or estab- lished thoroughfare. If special equipment such as extra rigging, extra trucks and/or extra manpower is required, either because of the inaccessible location or the design of the vehicle being extricated, associated costs will be at the member’s expense. One operator with one tow truck at the scene is included. AAA Plus and Plus RV benefits include a second truck and operator for one full hour at the scene of disablement at no additional cost.
Members are allowed four (4) service calls during their membership year. Any member requesting additional road service over their four (4) call limit will have a service truck dispatched, however, the member will be expected to pay the driver at the time of service. The Club attempts to handle cases involving excessive use on an individual basis. AAA reserves the right to bill a member whose number of calls exceeds the allotted call limit. AAA also reserves the right to downgrade, nonrenew or cancel any membership for ex- cessive use.
The AAA Emergency Road Service program operates through a Club owned fleet of service vehicles and inde- pendent garages who have contracted with AAA clubs to provide service. The Club makes every effort to secure reli- able, competent service stations to provide Emergency Road Service. These stations serve as independent contractors and the Club does not assume liability for their acts or the acts of their service persons who are not employees of the Club. Any damages resulting from the acts of service station personnel – or any defects or deficiencies in the goods or repair services which a member may purchase are the sole responsibility of the station and should be reported prompt- ly to the proprietor. The Club will mediate member’s vehicle repair and damage complaints resulting from road service provided by AAA/CAA contractors. In most instances, AAA members may depend on prompt road service not ordinarily available to the general public. However, there may be some instances where – due to circumstances beyond our control – service may be delayed or unavailable. In addition, rules governing service may vary slightly from one Club to anoth- er due to local laws or conditions. In this case, the member is governed by the rules of the Club where the emergency
AAAo.ccourms. /mobile | FALL 2019
EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE IS PROVIDED ONLY FOR THE MEMBER WHOSE NAME APPEARS ON THE MEMBERSHIP CARD. You as a member are covered in any vehicle you are driving or are a passenger in. Service, however, does not cover a particular vehicle, nor is service available to any nonmember driving the member’s vehicle - even though the nonmember may reside in the same household. Fam- ily Memberships are available at special reduced rates for qualified persons residing in the member’s household. It is required that the member be with the disabled vehicle at the time of service.
Before servicing any vehicle where there is the possibility of damage to the vehicle or other property as a result of such service, the service person shall inform the member that the member must assume the risk of damage. Any such circumstance should be fully recorded and reported to AAA. It should be understood that the official stations are under contract with the Club to perform such services and are not agents of the Club, nor is the Club an agent for any official station. In rendering service, the garage acts as an agent of the member. The Club assumes no responsibility for inju- ries to persons or property, including damage to member’s vehicle, as a result of Emergency Road Service performed by such contract garages. The Club will assist by mediating unresolved issues.
The Club’s Emergency Road Service is available to assist members 24-hours a day, 365 days of the year. In the event a member calls for service and AAA service is unavailable, the Club will refund the member for the prevailing commer- cial rate for covered services.
In those instances when a member is unable to obtain AAA Emergency Road Service, an original itemized paid re- ceipt in the member’s name must be submitted to the Club within 30 days along with a AAA reimbursement form for reimbursement consideration. Reimbursements are based on the Club’s contract rate for services within the scope of these guidelines. Since the contract rate is substantially lower than the regular commercial rates, members can save money by calling AAA first and presenting their membership card to the service vehicle driver upon arrival in lieu of pay- ment. The phone number to call when in need of Emergency Road Service is 1-800-AAA-HELP (1-800-222-4357).
Exceptions to this requirement would be cases involving violation of laws including illegal parking, snow routes, driving under the influence; failure to appear for violations; driving on a suspended/revoked driver’s license; failure to present evidence of insurance; illegal use or falsification of license or registration; engaging in a felony; attempting to elude/eluding police. In the case of an accident resulting in a police ordered tow, provide a copy of the accident police report when submitting for reimbursement consideration.
If there is more than one driver in your family, you should enroll additional eligible drivers with AAA under an Family Membership plan. This plan provides the advantage and benefits of the regular membership - including Emergen- cy Road Service, Discounts & Rewards program and many other benefits at considerable savings. Family memberships may be issued to the spouse, domestic partner or depen- dent child of the Primary member residing at the same per- manent address of the Primary member.
AAA Northway’s Territory
Our territory serves AAA members in the fol- lowing counties of New York State: Broome, Chemung, Chenango (Town of Greene), Clinton, Delaware (Town of Deposit), Essex, Franklin, Fulton, Hamilton, Montgomery, Saratoga [ex- cept Stillwater, Waterford and Mechanicville], Schenectady, Tioga, Warren and Washington.