Page 3 - AAA Shelby County – AAA Now! – November/December 2018
P. 3
Volume 2, No. 4
920 Wapakoneta Avenue Sidney, OH 45365 937-492-3167 ~ 800-274-3129
Monday through Friday 9:00AM ~ 5:00PM Saturday 9:00AM ~ 12:00PM
Deborah L. Barga
Chief Executive Officer
Keith Putnam
Board President
Thomas Kerrigan
1st Vice President
Mary Lou Holly
2nd Vice President
Gerald Wehrman
3rd Vice President
Stanley Evans...................Sidney Kenneth Francis ............... Russia Mitch Steinke ............ Jackson Center Jeff Replogle ...................Houston Douglas Stewart...............Sidney Tim Gleason.....................Sidney Todd Lotz .................. Jackson Center Mike McRill...................... Anna
Judie Karhan
Tracey Schaffner
Regional Editor
AAA NOW! (ISSN#1097-1851) (ISSN) is published four times a year (Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, July/Aug, Nov/Dec) by AAA Shelby County, 920 Wapakoneta Ave, Sidney, Ohio 45365. Periodicals mail postage paid at Sidney, OH and other additional mailing offices. A subscription price of $1.50 annually is paid through membership dues.
Postmaster: Please send address changes to AAA Shelby County/AAA NOW!, 920 Wapakoneta Ave. Sidney, Ohio 45365. Change of Address: Allow six weeks advance notice. Send new address and mailing label from latest issue to AAA Shelby County/AAA NOW!, 920 Wapakoneta Ave. Sidney, Ohio 45365.
AAA does not endorse any product or service advertised in this publication other than AAA club services and products. The publisher of AAA NOW! does not endorse or make any representations or warranties concerning any service or product advertised in this publication. The published is not liable to any advertiser or reader for any errors or omissions in advertising or editorial copy appearing in this publication, provided, however, that the publisher will print a correction after the publisher has been notified of an error or omission.
Deborah Barga, CEO, AAA Shelby County
Throughout AAA’s history we have been rescuing our members when they become stranded after their automobile becomes disabled. That continues, countless times a day, across the United States and Canada. As the winter season is quickly approaching, it’s important to make sure your car is in good working order.
you may find yourself unable to start your car. This can typically occur during extreme heat
or very cold weather conditions.
Thus, as we head into those cold winter months it may be a good idea to have your battery tested if it’s approaching
the end of the battery’s lifespan. You can contact AAA to have your car battery
tested if you notice your car starting hard and think the battery may need to be replaced.
Tires are a critical safety concern on your car. When in good condition, properly maintained and of the correct type and size, they enable a vehicle to accelerate, steer
and brake safely under a wide variety of road and weather conditions. Because they are responsible for much of the handling and stopping ability, tires play a critical role in the optimal performance of your vehicle.
To determine when to replace your tires just use the change from your pocket. Insert a penny upside down into any tread groove and you’ll be able to gauge if your tread is below 2/32”. If the top of Lincoln’s head is visible, the tire should immediately be replaced. Tires worn to this level may also display visible wear indicators, which are thin bald strips that run from side to side across two or more tread ribs.
However, most experts recommend you start shopping for tires when the tread depth falls below 4/32”. To test for this, insert a quarter upside down into any tread groove.
If the top of Washington’s head is visible, the tread is worn below 4/32” and visiting a local automotive tire and service center should be on your “to-do” list.
Key findings in a AAA study found that on wet roads, with new all-season tires compared to tires worn to a tread depth of 4/32” exhibit:
• An average increased stopping distance of 87 feet for a passenger car – more than the length of a semi-trailer truck. When decelerating from 60 to 0 mph, worn tires continue to travel at nearly 40 mph at the point when new tires have already stopped.
• A decreased ability to handle the vehicle (maximum lateral acceleration) on a wet road surface of 33 percent for a passenger car.
Now imagine adding snow or icy conditions to those worn tires. In our area where we see adverse road conditions with rain, snow and ice on the roadways, those tires are the most important safety feature between you and the roadway.
Not because we won’t provide you, our members, with emergency road service but because we value your safety.
Automobiles can leave you stranded, sometimes in
the worst of winter weather conditions, when your car’s battery is at the end of its lifespan or maybe when you skid due to worn out tires. These issues can sometimes be avoided if you take time to prepare your car now for the winter weather season.
On average a car battery has a life span of 4 years. Some batteries don’t last as long and others can last longer based on the quality of the battery and other conditions such as temperature. When you are approaching the end of that span
Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation of AAA NOW!. Publication No. 002-292. Filing Date 09/28/18. Issue Frequency: Quarterly. Number of Issues Published Annually: 4. Annual Subscription Price: $1.50 per copy. Owner: AAA Shelby County, 920 Wapakoneta Avenue, Sidney, OH. 45365. Mailing Address: Same as headquarters. Editor: Deb Barga, AAA Shelby County, 920 Wapakoneta Avenue, Sidney, OH. 45365. Managing Editor: Judie Karhan, 28338 Constellation Rd. Unit 990, Valencia, CA. 91355. Known Bondholders, mortgages, and Other Security Holders Owning of Holding 1% or More of Total Amount of Bonds, Mortgages, or Other Securities: None. Publication Name: AAA NOW!. Issue Dates for Circulation Data Below: Summer 2018.
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20 8,714 0 8,714 99.7%
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2,312 6,472
0 8,784
0 0 0
20 8,804 0 8,804 99.7%
AAA Shelby County Holiday Hours
November 22 ................................................................. Closed November 23 ............................ Open 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. December 24 .................................................................. Closed December 25 .................................................................. Closed December 31 .................................................................. Closed January 1 .......................................................................... Closed